Building a Virtuous Circular Economy
At Circle Carbon Labs we work with the concept of a Virtuous Circular Economy, as opposed to a Neutral Circular Economy (or a vicious economy of ever-diminishing returns). In our Virtuous Circular Economy we see the cumulative addition of our biochar-based substrate as yielding ever-increasing gains in agriculture; more healthy soils, more growth; more growth, more biomass feedstock; more feedstock, more biochar based substrate, more growth of plants and trees, etc., etc., etc. More plants and trees, more carbon dioxide drawdown. Carbon Negative is Planet Positive!
Our Virtuous Circular Economy model is based on four pillars:
- Biomass Resource Management
- Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
- Soil Regeneration
- Food Security
We remove carbon, regenerate soil, increase yields and improve the quality of produce through added nutrient uptake while requiring less water to improve food security and help build more resilient communities.
Biomass Resource Management
Our soil products are based on 100% organic waste streams, i.e. garden and tree cuttings, agricultural residues etc.
Your waste, our resource! Our waste management process enables us to create a fully circular system of production from waste to resource.
Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
With the release of almost all of the Earth-stored Fossil Fuel Carbon during the last 300 years of industrial activities, there is an urgent need now to return that Carbon to the soil to restore our climate balance.
The production of Biochar and its application to the soil is, in our opinion, the best, and even perhaps the only feasible negative emissions technology (NET) with immediate effect compared to a tree that requires at least 20 years to begin to sequester significant amounts of CO2.

Soil Regeneration
The benefits of regenerating and improving your soil health are vast and compelling.
Starting with the revival of microbial communities in the ground as well as the surrounding biodiversity on land, air, and water we are returning an ecosystem to health when we restore life to the soil.
Healthy soils have greater water holding capacity which leads to less chemical inputs which in turn means less groundwater contamination and more resilience to withstand extreme weather events like floods and droughts.
It has been estimated that by regenerating the world’s soils, we could take atmospheric carbon levels back to the safe levels as identified by the IPCC (350 ppm) within 10-15 years!
Food Security
More than 30 percent of the world population is affected by food insecurity today and the Covid-19 pandemic has put an emphasis on the importance of nutritious foods to sustain our health.
Fertile soils produce higher quality and quantity of yields and because biochar takes hundreds of years to decompose, once applied to the soil it continues to gradually improve the soil structure over time.